As part of our placemaking interventions, we have developed Redesign, a brand-new grant scheme to help Waterloo businesses upgrade their shopfronts. We are offering independent businesses grants of up to £5,000 per business to help renovate their units. This money can be spent on a range of services from signage to window displays, painting to planting.

Helping upgrade local shopfronts not only directly increase the sales of individual businesses by improving their street presence but also contribute to the general beautification of the Waterloo area. In fact, according to research from Monash University (2014), “sales increase by nearly 50 per cent when shops are upgraded”. Beautified shopping parades within the area also attract new visitors, businesses and investment, whilst also having the potential to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

You can read our Redesign Information Guide here. Follow our news page for the latest information on upcoming grant funding opportunities.