WeAreWaterloo launches its Climate Action Plan

WeAreWaterloo launches its Climate Action Plan




To mark the end of London Climate Action Week, WeAreWaterloo has outlined its strategy for achieving the Mayor of London’s sustainability goals in its newly published Climate Action Plan.

The document provides readers with a brief overview of the main climate challenges facing Waterloo before outlining the organisation’s plan of action to become a Net Zero Neighbourhood by 2030. The plan collates our existing work and proposed future projects into four key pillars of sustainability to provide a comprehensive yet digestible framework for change. From subsidising greener transport choices to developing the infrastructure for a localised circular economy, the WeAreWaterloo Climate Action Plan reaffirms the BID’s commitment to both community and sustainability.

Of course, we cannot carry out this plan alone – partnerships will be essential to ensuring its success. Therefore, we are asking those from local businesses, charities, councils and the wider Waterloo community to join us in making this plan a reality. To get involved simply email our Head of Public Realm, Alex (alex@wearewaterloo.co.uk), to either join our Waterloo Climate Action Group or to get involved with any of the other projects listed in our plan.

To coincide with the publication of our Climate Action Plan, we’re launching a new cargo bike subsidy scheme to help businesses cut emissions on their deliveries. We will be giving 20 businesses up to £200 of FREE cargo bike usage – click here express your interest in this scheme.

Read the full Climate Action Plan here.



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Increase sales and drive footfall to your Southwark business


The BetterPoints Southwark app rewards residents for moving more with points they can spend in a local business. Join the free scheme to reach new customers and align your brand with local sustainability and health initiatives. What is BetterPoints and how does it work? BetterPoints is a free app which encourages local people to record