Revive our Free Little Library

Revive our Free Little Library



Community / Placemaking

Our Free Little Library is calling for some love!

Through this 24-hour book exchange box, we aim to inspire readers and expand book access – but our Little Free Library is running low on books! If you have some books gathering dust on your shelves, drop them off at the Free Little Library. This book-sharing box is open all day, every day, and accessible to all – removing barriers to book access.

The Little Free Library box is located in St George’s Garden, a pocket park amidst the bustling city life. St George’s Garden, built mid-2021, has been used for WeAreWaterloo events such as the lovely St Georges day garden party. Right next to LSBU student accommodation, McLaren House, this pocket park offers a tucked-away corner for anyone to relax, study, or hang out with friends. The city can get a bit busy sometimes, so take a moment in this green space and check out a book or two.

With more book donations, the Free Little Library can be used how it was intended to be – with the take a book, share a book system. Help us revive the Free Little Library at St George’s Garden by donating books, and encourage your friends, neighbours, and colleagues to discover the Free Little Library, too.

Location: St George’s Garden, Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8HW

Click here for the Google Maps link.


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