Free Workshops & Grant Opportunities For Future Proofing

Free Workshops & Grant Opportunities For Future Proofing



Business Advice / Sustainability

ReLondon offers practical, one-to-one support and consultancy to small businesses helping them grow and save costs based upon circular principles. An upcoming workshop on the idea of a circular economy is available for businesses that fall under food & drink, retail , hair & beauty as well as other high street businesses such as dry cleaners and pharmacies to name just a few.

This workshop will enable business owners to future proof their business and  understand their impact on the environment. Your business could discover brand new opportunities to improve waste disposal, cut costs and create new money-making products and services which could transform the way your business operates for the better!

ReLondon plan to host multiple workshops, so please check out their website here for workshop dates and details.

BUT that’s not all!

ReLondon is also offering an exciting grant opportunity for businesses that grow London’s circular food system.

If your business helps to reduce food waste & food loss, create value from food waste or increase access to sustainable locally grown food then your business could be eligible for up to £15,000 in grant funding. This could be used to scale your operations and reach. As long as your business currently has an existing circular product or service you may have a chance of a successful application.

To learn more about this exciting opportunity and what it entails please check out ReLondon’s grant page here.

As part of our effort to drive sustainability  we encourage all businesses to get involved and do their part to enhance the environment! The benefits to your business, the local area and future generations is paramount! We remain committed to our Climate Action Plan which can be found here.


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Increase sales and drive footfall to your Southwark business


The BetterPoints Southwark app rewards residents for moving more with points they can spend in a local business. Join the free scheme to reach new customers and align your brand with local sustainability and health initiatives. What is BetterPoints and how does it work? BetterPoints is a free app which encourages local people to record