Recruitment Support: Online Survey

Recruitment Support: Online Survey



Business Advice / Community

EmploySE1, operated by WeAreWaterloo, Team London Bridge, and Better Bankside, was a free and efficient service that provided recruitment support to the BID’s members, allowing them to easily recruit local individuals.

The three BIDs have partnered with PRD, an independent consultancy located in Bankside, to identify current business challenges and determine how BIDs can provide support.

To shape new and effective support, we’re conducting a short survey to understand the perspective and recruitment needs  of local businesses.

The survey is open until Friday 15th December 2023 – click here to complete it!

Completing the survey will only take 5 – 10 minutes, and we recommend that someone familiar with your business and recruitment processes participate. The survey covers aspects such as your organization, recruitment strategies, development needs, retention efforts, and expectations from the service.

To thank you for your time and insight, once you have completed the survey you will be invited to enter into a prize draw with the chance to win £100 worth of vouchers for a restaurant of your choice in the SE1 area.


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Increase sales and drive footfall to your Southwark business


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