Business Parklets Applications Open

Business Parklets Applications Open



Announcements / Business Advice / Community / Placemaking

Business Parklets Applications Open: Transform Parking Spaces into Dynamic Business Hubs

Lambeth invites businesses, charities, schools, and organizations to apply for the innovative Business Parklets program, transforming former parking spaces into vibrant hubs. These three-sided structures, featuring a raised deck, offer businesses an opportunity to create welcoming outdoor spaces, increase visibility, and attract new customers.

Business Parklets can serve various purposes, including providing outdoor seating for trading, offering additional outdoor space for events or dining options, and contributing to green initiatives. Businesses, private organisations, charities, schools and third sector can apply for a parklet and to become a Parklet Owner. Individual businesses can group together with other businesses to apply.

This initiative will enhance the urban landscape, foster community engagement, and create a more pedestrian-friendly environment. Don’t miss the chance to redefine your outdoor space, boost your business’s visibility, and contribute to the transformation of our neighbourhood.

To find out more information, visit Business Parklets.


Upcoming Seedl Training – August 2024


Your sneak peek of next month’s SEEDL courses is here! COMPLIANCE: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Gain an understanding of the aims of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and potential penalties for infringements. We give an overview of the seven key principles involved followed by processing, consent, and subject rights. Lastly you will learn about

WAW Security Patrol: Enhancing Safety


Our dedicated patrol team is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone in the community. Their recent efforts to engage with rough sleepers and local businesses have made a significant impact. Elijah, a patrol officer, recently conducted a welfare check on a rough sleeper and provided food donated by a local store.

Increase sales and drive footfall to your Southwark business


The BetterPoints Southwark app rewards residents for moving more with points they can spend in a local business. Join the free scheme to reach new customers and align your brand with local sustainability and health initiatives. What is BetterPoints and how does it work? BetterPoints is a free app which encourages local people to record