Business continuity planning template

Business continuity planning template



Business Advice

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that unforeseen crises can have dramatic impacts on your business.

That’s why we’ve redeveloped our Business Continuity Plan Template to help all our member businesses prepare for the future. This will help ensure you’ll know what to do in the event of an acute, unforeseen incident which affects your business premises.

Business continuity management is the practice of assessing what risks there are to your business and then planning to make sure that operations can continue as circumstances return to normal. Our plan offers analysis and support during the operational continuation of your business.

In addition, our next Crime & Security Forum is taking place at The Wellington Hotel, Waterloo Road on Wednesday 19 April at 10am. Here we will share intelligence of known offenders working in the area alongside updates from our security partners. To attend please contact BID Security Manager, Karol Doherty –

Click here to download the Business Continuity Plan Template


Upcoming Seedl Training – August 2024


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WAW Security Patrol: Enhancing Safety


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Increase sales and drive footfall to your Southwark business


The BetterPoints Southwark app rewards residents for moving more with points they can spend in a local business. Join the free scheme to reach new customers and align your brand with local sustainability and health initiatives. What is BetterPoints and how does it work? BetterPoints is a free app which encourages local people to record