A Summary of Martyn’s Law for Businesses

A Summary of Martyn’s Law for Businesses



Business Advice / Security

At WeAreWaterloo, we believe in keeping our local businesses informed and empowered. In this article, we provide a high-level summary of the key points from the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, known as Martyn’s Law, which was published in May 2023. This summary aims to help Waterloo businesses understand the implications and requirements of the law. We’ve based our summary on the guidance notes, the bill itself, and the impact assessment.

  1. Why Martyn’s Law is being introduced?

Martyn’s Law is a response to the recommendations of the Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 1. The government recognizes the need to improve the safety and security of public venues. The inquiry highlighted gaps in the existing crowded places model, inconsistent application of security practices, and a lack of corporate responsibility. Martyn’s Law aims to address these issues and reduce business insurance costs by introducing new and enhanced security procedures.

  1. Which businesses will be affected?

Martyn’s Law applies to “qualifying public premises” that are primarily used for various purposes, including shops, food and drink establishments, nightclubs, entertainment activities, sports grounds, libraries, museums, hotels, places of worship, and more. It also covers public authorities and educational institutions at all levels.

  1. What companies and individuals will be required to do by law:

The requirements vary depending on the capacity of the premises:

Standard Tier Requirements (public capacity of 100-800):

  • Provide terrorism protection training to relevant workers.
  • Conduct a terrorism evaluation of the premises and regularly review it.
  • Make the evaluation available to individuals working at the premises.
  • Provide the regulator with a copy of the current evaluation upon request.

Enhanced Tier Requirements (public capacity of 800+):

  • Provide terrorism protection training to relevant workers.
  • Conduct a risk assessment that includes measures to reduce the risk of terrorism and physical harm to individuals.
  • Comply with any other specified matters in regulations.

These requirements will be regulated by a national regulator with the power to issue penalties, improvement notices, and even close premises and events if necessary.

  1. Who is responsible for the premises?

The Bill does not explicitly define the responsible person but states that it can be a director, manager, or corporate body. Joint responsibility is also possible. For premises and events with a capacity exceeding 800, a Designated Senior Officer must be appointed to coordinate risk assessments, security plans, and communication with the regulator.

  1. How WeAreWaterloo Can Help:

At WeAreWaterloo, we’re here to support our local businesses throughout this process. We will:

  • Provide regular updates, interpretation, and expert guidance on the Bill’s progress.
  • Offer threat briefings and assessments to help you stay informed.
  • Support you with necessary counter-terrorism training.
  • Assist in developing counter-terrorism risk assessments, plans, and evaluations of existing practices.

For further information or if you have any questions, please reach out to Karol at karol@wearewaterloo.co.uk.

Martyn’s Law is an important step towards enhancing the safety and security of public venues. By understanding its requirements and taking proactive measures, Waterloo businesses can create a safer environment for their employees and customers. WeAreWaterloo is committed to supporting you every step of the way, ensuring that your business thrives while maintaining the highest level of security.

To read WeAreWaterloo’s downloadable summary of Martyn’s law click here.


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