2021-2026 BID Renewal Results

2021-2026 BID Renewal Results




WeAreWaterloo BID is delighted to announce the strong backing of the Waterloo business community, who have overwhelmingly voted YES to continue the BID for another five years. An impressive 92% of votes cast were in favour of WeAreWaterloo, representing 96% of the aggregate RV and an incredible 43% turnout. We would like to thank you all for your continued support, especially against the backdrop of a global pandemic and national lockdown. The hard work has only just begun…

WeAreWaterloo BID is excited to get cracking on delivering our pledge promises as referenced in our Five Year Plan. These projects align with our three strategic themes:

We Connect & Represent local businesses by providing frequent opportunities to share knowledge and expertise, as well as bridging ties with local government, community groups and lots more to ensure that any decision-making results in the best possible environment for businesses to flourish.

We Celebrate & Promote the area and its businesses by increasing footfall through events and raising the profile of Waterloo’s cultural and retail offer, by positioning it as a destination with its own unique ‘rebel with a small r’ identity.

We Enhance the Environment and the area by ensuring it is clean, green, safe, well-maintained and somewhere to be proud of, improving the visitor experience while attracting new businesses and investment.

These three themes ensure that everything we do as a BID relates back to our overarching mission – to make Waterloo a great place to work, live and visit.

Natalie Raben, Chief Executive of WeAreWaterloo said:

Hooray! We are delighted with the support received from our local business community during what is an undoubtedly uncertain time for many. The team are committed to assisting members navigate ‘the new normal’, whatever that may look like, and are investing time and resources into welcoming workers and visitors back to a bright, cheery, safe and clean Waterloo as soon as it is safe to do so.’ 

Our ambitions for the first year of our new term, 2021-22, can be found in our BID services leaflet. For more information, please contact the team via email or call 020 7620 1201.

Thank you again for re-electing us to work with you for another five years. Together, we are stronger.



Upcoming Seedl Training – August 2024


Your sneak peek of next month’s SEEDL courses is here! COMPLIANCE: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Gain an understanding of the aims of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and potential penalties for infringements. We give an overview of the seven key principles involved followed by processing, consent, and subject rights. Lastly you will learn about

WAW Security Patrol: Enhancing Safety


Our dedicated patrol team is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone in the community. Their recent efforts to engage with rough sleepers and local businesses have made a significant impact. Elijah, a patrol officer, recently conducted a welfare check on a rough sleeper and provided food donated by a local store.

Increase sales and drive footfall to your Southwark business


The BetterPoints Southwark app rewards residents for moving more with points they can spend in a local business. Join the free scheme to reach new customers and align your brand with local sustainability and health initiatives. What is BetterPoints and how does it work? BetterPoints is a free app which encourages local people to record